Choose a New Chapter
for Richmond

Republican Ron Oler

Never Miss an Update!

Choose a New Chapter
for Richmond

Ron Oler for Mayor
Smiling photo of Ron Oler Smiling photo of Ron Oler

“Let’s make government work for the people - not against them.

Never Miss an Update!

Ron Oler is a lifelong resident of Richmond and Wayne County. He’s a Project Manager and local businessman and a former site director and professor at Ivy Tech.

As a three-term City Councilman, Ron knows we face some difficult challenges – but he’s ready to tackle them as mayor and make Richmond a better place to live.

Secure the City’s Finances

For years, Richmond has faced near negative budgets. We need fiscal responsibility. Ron has experience in finance, and he’ll make sure the budget is balanced – without tax hikes and debt.

Ron has proven he’ll stand for us, the taxpayers. He fought against the Wheel Tax and the Food and Beverage Tax. He knows we work hard for our money - and that we should keep as much of it as possible.

Secure Our City’s Future

It’s time to jumpstart our economy. Ron will work with local businesses to create more jobs and attract new development opportunities to the city.

Ron knows the challenges we face – because he’s the project manager for his family’s business, Oler Fence, Inc which operates right here in Wayne County. Ron will create real economic security for us and get business booming again in Richmond.

Secure Our Families and Neighborhoods

Violent crime is up in Richmond. And, like much of our nation, the drug epidemic is raging here – costing us lives. As mayor, Ron will bring Richmond together to make our neighborhoods safer. He’s ready to implement community policing and get our law enforcement officers all the resources they need to protect us and our families.

As the Chair of the City's Finance Committee, Ron has already gotten our police new cruisers as well as modern rifles and other equipment. He's ready to get more officers on our streets and shut down crime.

Secure Our Quality of Life

Government should make the lives of our residents and businesses easier – not harder. As a servant leader, Ron wants to help improve our lives and make our city flourish.

Let’s restore the pride in our city. Let’s reignite the spark that makes Richmond so special. This means creating a full-time beautification crew that will keep Richmond looking great.

It's time to show what a vibrant, neighborly community we are. Ron will bring back the citywide Fall Festival and parade. He'll also turn Roosevelt Hill into a state-of-the-art venue for everyone, including families, to enjoy.


Early Voting October 11th

Election Day November 7th